When we have macOS Sierra in the Mac we insert the USB of 8GB or more.To do this we can follow these steps that are almost the same as to create the macOS High Sierra installer and perform a zero installation: Now we have to create the macOS Sierra installer That can easily be done using a minimum 8GB USB. This is the first step in all cases and it is that without this copy then come the problems of data loss, etc. The initial step is the usual one: backup to Time Machine or similar to avoid problems in case of failure. Steps to follow to return to macOS Sierra It is actually something that many users have if we perform a zero installation in each version presented at WWDC since it is necessary to create this USB, this one works for us perfectly. On the internet we can also find this version of Apple's operating system or we can even downgrade from an old Time Machine copy, but it is best to access directly from a Mac and create the installer. It doesn't matter if it's from an iMac, Mac mini or MacBook, they all work the same. To perform the downgrade there are more options but the most recommended and reliable is create this bootable USB from a Mac that has macOS Sierra installedas it will be a reliable and authentic version. If you already have macOS High Sierra installed, the option that we show you today is to obtain the previous version of the operating system, macOS Sierra. As of today, as we write this article, the new version of macOS High Sierra has just been released and it is possible that many users do not have the Mac updated, in this case it is important to create this installable disk on a USB or external disk.

This is an option available to those users who have the macOS Sierra version installed right now or directly have the installer on a USB already created.