This feature enables localized forms of glyphs to be substituted for default forms. In some cases the localized form differs only subtly from the script 'norm', in others the forms are radically distinct. For example, a number of letters in the Bulgarian and Serbian alphabets have forms distinct from their Russian counterparts and from each other. The glyph for ffl replaces the sequence of glyphs f f l.įunction: Many scripts used to write multiple languages over wide geographical areas have developed localized variant forms of specific letters, which are used by individual literary communities. This feature covers the ligatures which the designer/manufacturer judges should be used in normal conditions. The user enters 3/4 in a recipe and gets the threequarters fraction.įunction: Replaces a sequence of glyphs with a single glyph which is preferred for typographic purposes. In the string 11/17 selected by the user, the application turns the 17 into denominators when the user applies the fraction feature.įunction: Replaces figures separated by a slash with 'common' (diagonal) fractions. The dashes, bracketing characters, guillemet quotes and the like shift up to match the capitals, and oldstyle figures change to lining figures.įunction: Replaces selected figures which follow a slash with denominator figures. The user selects a block of text and applies this feature. Also, lining figures are the same height (or close to it) as capitals, and fit much better with all-capital text. Some characters should be shifted vertically to fit the higher visual center of all-capital or lining text. By default, glyphs in a text face are designed to work with lowercase characters. A user inputs the P in Poetica, and is presented with a choice of the four standard capital forms, the eight swash capital forms, the initial capital form and the small capital form.įunction: Shifts various punctuation marks up to a position that works better with all-capital sequences or sets of lining figures also changes oldstyle figures to lining figures. Since many-to-one substitutions are not covered, ligatures would not appear in this table unless they were variant forms of another ligature. This serves several purposes: An application may not support the feature by which the desired glyph would normally be accessed the user may need a glyph outside the context supported by the normal substitution, or the user may not know what feature produces the desired glyph. Function: This feature makes all variations of a selected character accessible.