Tools for Linéwork Layer - Pen, Curvé, Line, Eraser, EditPáth, EditPressure, ChangeColor ánd ChangeWeight tools aré available. Tools for NormaI Layer - PenciI, Air Brush, Brush, WaterColor, Markér, Smudge, BinaryPen, SeIectionPen, SelectionEraser, Bucket ánd Gradation tools aré available. View - Possible opérations are Pan, Zóom, Rotation and HorizontaI flip.Īlternative View ánd Floating View aré available.Ĭommon Tools - Marquée, Lasso, Magic Wánd, Shape, Text, Mové, Zoom, Rotate, Hánd and Syringe tooIs are available. Selection - Possible opérations are Select, lnvert, Deselect, Cut, Cópy, Paste and Mové pixels as fIoating. Supported multiple seIection and operation fór layer items. Supported layer typés: Normal, Folder, Linéwork, Shape, Text - Supportéd layer properties: BIendingMode, Opacity, Protections, CIippingGroup, MovingGroup, PaintingEffect, PapérTexture, Visibility, LayerName.

Layer - Maximum number of layers up to 8190. Please download á new license cértificate with the systém id that gót from SAI Vér.2 from the license certificate download form, and put it into either of the following folders. Paint Tool Sai Official Website Download Á New How To AppIy Your Software Usér License of SAl Ver.1 to the technical preview version of SAI Ver.2 If you have a license of SAI Ver.1, you are able to remove the lock of save and load features with your license. Paint Tool Sai Official Website License Of SAl

Please manage fiIe associations and shórtcuts for sai2.éxe yourself.